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Wheatland Sun

Work begins on Bryant Field renovations

Apr 04, 2022 12:00AM ● By By Dan Flores, Director of Community Services

MARYSVILLE, CA (MPG) – A collaborative effort is underway on improvements to Bryant Field, home of Goldsox Baseball. 

Work began in early February to replace the outfield fence, which borders the corner of 14th & B Streets in Marysville. 

At their meeting on February 1, 2022, the Marysville City Council approved the purchase of steel paneling that will replace the dilapidated wooden outfield fence however, steel products require 6-9 weeks for delivery.

The group effort includes volunteers from Local Union 228 - Plumbers and Pipefitters, Local Iron Workers 118 and SayLove an area non-profit known for their community clean-up projects.  Structural steel work began last Tuesday, February 15th.  SayLove’s team of volunteers will be assisting with demolition of the right field wall on Saturday, February 26, 2022. Those interested in volunteering are encouraged to contact SayLove at

The City of Marysville is hopeful that the outfield wall will be completed by the time the Goldsox fields a team at Bryant Field this May.  “It’s a lofty goal, but we are pushing hard to complete this project for our community, baseball lovers and our beloved Goldsox,” stated Marysville City Manager Jim Schaad.

Baseball lovers are excited for the diamond to come alive this Spring.  “With Marysville’s investment and local ownership 2022 is set to be an unprecedented season for Goldsox baseball,” said sports fan and local entrepreneur John Cassidy.

Beginning April 1, 2022, sponsorships will be made available through the Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation to those interested in sponsoring the improvement project.  Sponsor names will be permanently displayed on the exterior perimeter fencing facing the intersection of 14th and B Streets.