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Wheatland Sun

Students Learning Manufacturing Skills

Jan 06, 2022 12:00AM ● By From the office of Sutter County Superintendent of Schools

Students of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology program with their Certificates. Photo: Sutter County Education

Students Learning Manufacturing Skills [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

YUBA CITY, CA (MPG) - Sutter County Superintendent of Schools is thrilled to present the success of our Advanced Manufacturing Technology program, which is made possible through our Tri-County Regional Occupational Program. This course is designed to teach and prepare students for employment in the manufacturing industry.

“Manufacturing is more than just operating machinery; and that is what we are teaching our students through this program. They are learning hands on through STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics; all of which help students find their passion in this industry. Whether that be designing new products or overseeing manufacturing operations,” said Tom Reusser, Sutter County Superintendent of Schools. “Our goal through all of our Regional Occupational Programs is to show students there are several career opportunities right here in our community.”

“Throughout my career I have been fortunate enough to see many of my students move on and become Educators, Business owners, Shop Managers, Fabricators and Machinist,” said Scott Stephens, Manufacturing Instructor for Sutter County Superintendent of Schools. “I have been teaching for 23 years in the welding and fabrication field. The last two years have been with the county where I am currently teaching at Live Oak High School and Sutter High School. Last year also included East Nicolaus High School.”

Through the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies program, students are learning about the proper use of machinery tools, basic concepts behind drive train systems, designing and creating models using computer numerical control machines, basic introduction to robotic programmable welding applications and much more. Each student that successfully completes the course receives a certificate explaining their training and capabilities; last year 10 certificates were awarded. 

“I teach the computer side of manufacturing in the classroom and all the hands on machining is taught in the 40 ft. mobile lab trailer that houses several state-of-the-art machines including a Tormach 770M milling machine, Tormach 15L Slant Pro lathe, Arc- Light Plasmas Table, Three Ultimaker 3D printers, Miller MIG, ARC and TIG welders and Various hand tools,” Stephens explained. “Student enrollment has tripled this year, we’re excited to see the program grow and students thrive.”

Sutter County Superintendent of Schools is also working to make this program available to adults in the local community in the future. Career opportunities through this program include Machinists, CNC and CAD Operator, Manufacturing Manager, Manufacturing Supervisor, Manufacturing Owner and much more.

For more information about our Advanced Manufacturing Technology program, give us a call at (530) 822-5810. Or visit us online at